Wednesday, December 14, 2011

1 - 7 March 1864

March 1 - March comes in like a lion, a cold storm of wind and rain.  Camp excessively muddy. Rode to hospital in p.m.  About 11 are sick.  Had a pleasant supper of corn bread and coffee.  Wrote home.  Sherman advancing successfully in Mississippi.

March 2 - Our forces serve advancing into the Confederacy from various directions.  Gen Smith's cavalry expedition from Corinth, Smith has failed and returned.  Letter from Ella.  Mother still sick.  Went to [Tennessee] river bank and saw Decatur [Alabama] and the rebels.  Fair day and mud drying.

March 3 - Fair day and drying mud.  Had an industrious feeling and desire to improve the time and my mind.  Went to hospital and studied.  Talked with a man very low.  Supped with the doctor.

March 4 - Windy day.  Struck by a question in Chaplain's manual "Have I this day labored to improve my mind?"  Must not trifle with news papers and strolling.  Felt like a fisher of men as I went about camp.  First lilies of the season.

March 5 - From great depression and indolence could hardly brace my mind up to write my sermon but persevered.  War K[?] and all feel somewhat depressed.  Mails backward.

March 6 - Lovely day.  A.m. near our camp a large congregation from 43rd and 63rd regiments and 111th Illinois, mostly [?] 63rd.  I preached on fall of man.  Quite inspiriting.  2 other chaplains present.  P.m. rode 7 miles and preached to Col. H's company.

March 7 - At 4 p.m. our regiment, the 63rd and 111th set out for the mouth of [Little] Limestone Creek [Tennessee].  Some difficulty in crossing the river.  Dr. Rose and I slept in an ambulance near the bank.

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