Tuesday, November 15, 2011

1 - 7 July 1863

July 1 - Mr. Home left.  I was unable to accompany him.

July 2 - Sat up some.  My furlough and 2 months pay I have.  Must long remember Col. Swayne's kindness in procuring them so quickly.

July 3 - Left on boat "Eva*" this eve.  Took Amanda.  Improved at once.

July 4 - Good trip.  Tried to help sick and distressed soldiers on boat.

July 5 - Arrived 6 a.m. at Cairo [Illinois].  Had expected to be here last night.  At St. Charles [Mo?] enjoyed ch[urch] and communion in a.m. at Pres[byterian] church.

July 6 - Left with Amanda at 3 a.m.  At night changed cars at Cincinnati.  Feel well comparatively.

July 7 - At daylight reached Columbus, thanks to a kind Providence.  Slept till morning and met my beloved wife and our sweet little boy.  She wanted to know if I were disappointed in him, dear girl.

* I haven't been able to find out much about the history of this boat, except that on 16 April 1899 "The steamer Eva, while lying at Madisonville LA, on the Chefunete River, took fire and was totally destroyed" from Annual Report of the Supervising Inspector-General, Steamboat-Inspection Service for the fiscal year ended June 30, 1900

1 comment:

  1. I have a few items relating to the steamer Eva. I think there was more than one steamer with that name. contact me at mciril02 AT yahoo DOT com
