Sept 1 - Fine mild weather. Read, wrote, and visited a.m. P.m. to town and got my pay. Sent $35 to Henry*. Pleasant prayer meeting at Christian Commission. I hope those realms [?] Messers Burnell and Essing on will be encouraged. My appetite is too slack. I try to control it. With Col H[errick] to Judge S[?] in eve.
Sept 2 - Men hufing[?] a good deal and some drinking. See others sick and feel grateful for continued health and blessings. Spent an hour in hospital, read some from hope to Hicks. Eve to 27th regiment. Called on Dr. Young. Heard a soldier singing a hymn and talked with him on religion. A good letter from mother.
Sept 3 - Slightly hazy and warm. A.m. to Lieutenant Col. Fullers and Maj. Churchill's. P.m. to Rev. Mr. Hews where was quite pleasant. Eve a good but rather thin p[rayer] meeting. Rested my soul on Christ. Tired of my own works and feeling my unworthy deservings. He died for my sins. Rev. Mr. French named. Poor Hicks* at hospital seems failing.
Sept 4 - Fine settled weather, not very warm or very cold. Bad smell of carrion at night fall. Becoming more interested in Mr. Bonnell and his reading room. Attended auction sale of confiscated stock. Saw nothing I wanted among the lean starved up horses. Sought help and was enabled to speak kindly to poor Hicks of Jesus. He was moved to tears. A contrite heart God will not despise.
Sept 5 - Warmer days. Felt uncommonly lazy and listless in p.m. Feel some monotony and loneliness but am thankful for continued life and health. Suffer some from tyranny of appetite. Prepared for Bible class and went about some. Asked officers to induce more men to attend church. Murphey* and Howard* called - candidates for baptism.
Sept 6 - Fine day and labor[?]. Papers around at S[abbath] S[unday] School for servants for 9. Bible class at 10:30. Services at 2. Hospital and read at 3:30. In town to Union Chapel and preached to a large congregation at eve. Got on very well. Very tired. A fine church and congregation.
Sept 7 - Warm and dusty. Pleasant chaplains meeting. I was chosen chairman of the association for one month. At Gen Hewletts to see about my horse. Col Benson says cannot be appraised. Repossessed one for not having a uniform. No letter from Ella. Disappointed. Prayer meeting evening. Three deserters brought back after absence of one year or more.
* Henry Treat Chittenden (1836-1909), Richard's younger brother.
* David Hicks. Born 1839/40 in Washington twp, Harrison Co. Ohio. Appointed Corporal 1 Apr 1865,
* Joseph S. Murph[e]y. Born 1835/36 in Miller twp, Knox Co. Ohio.
* George W. Howard. Born 1839/40 in Huntington twp, Brown Co. Ohio.
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