Sept 8 - A very warm day. Gave in my mare and halter at govt. stable and got a receipt from Capt. Eddy. Saw a man at Washington hospital, apparently a sincere Christian, a communicant of our church and promised to administer the sacrament. Buried a soldier of 32nd Mis[souri]. They have many sick and unusual mortality. No letter from Ella yet this week. Good pr[ayer] meeting.
Sept 9 - Warm. Administered sacrament to a poor soldier in Washington hospital. Apparently a devoted Christian. At noon a watermelon and cake at dinner. Upset my digestion and stupefied me some. I cannot be as careful in camp as at home. Oh that I might never over load my stomach. "Thy table is a snare and a trap". A letter from Ella.
Sept 10 - Very warm. To Wisconsin hospital in the a.m. but accomplished little. Studied etc. Got over my dyspepsia. Poor old Mr. Grimshaw died after a very short illness. P.m. to Christian Commission and saw and prayed with poor Hicks, who is very low in Jefferson hospital. Get almost exhausted walking in and out, partly from weather and partly want of practice in activity.
Sept 11 - Warm and very dusty. We buried Mr. Grimshaw in the morning. I attended auction of condemned stock. A man had bought and I bought of him at 25 dollars a small and rather exhausted looking mare. Pleased with my bargain. We had orders to be ready to move at sunset. I hurried and worked till bed time in preparation.
Sept 12 - Col. Swayne has come. Think we will go into Arkansas. A letter from Ella. Hearing I was and no letter (fault of mails) she is very anxious. Sends $10.00. Wants to come if I will send for her. A loving true wife.
Sept 13 - Usual routine of duties. Fair attendance at p.m. service. Read at hospital. Evening a chaplain's meeting and I baptized Murphy, Page and Howard. In evening saw Col. Swayne. Walked in and staid with him. Brings a good letter from North.
Sept 14 - Fine day but dusty. Chaplain's meeting. Nausea and vomiting after breakfast but feel better. Errands down town and school. See that my new purchase [the mare] is too small to carry me but will keep till I can sell or trade and if we march will go afoot some.
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