Oct 8 - Fair and pleasant day. Went down town to try for some old lumber for the church. Partially successful. Had a good dinner and got to sleep. In p.m. felt in better spirits from warmth and rest. The town [Memphis] looked lively. Go on alternate p.m.s to 32nd Mis[souri] hospital. Sometimes hesitate about going but conclude to go. The town is gay and lively in business hours.
Oct 9 - A lovely day. Felt exhilarated by the fresh morning air. New vigor comes with cooler weather. [?] tents into [?]. Called on Lieutenant Calvin of Battery F. U.S. Fine of late much broken up from study by business and calls out.
Oct 10 - Fair and mild. Feel rather anxious morose and lonely for a few days. Know not why. Suppose I miss my dear wife and baby. Studied on sermon. Rode down town on business. To orphan asylum with [2nd] Lieut. [John W.] Thompson [of G company] at eve. Pleasant.
Oct 11 - Beautiful day. Only two at servants' Sunday School. Good Bible class. Not as good attendance at p.m. service as usual. Read testament etc at hospital. Evg felt my heart revived. A good earnest prayer meeting. Heard distant cannon at noon.
Oct 12 - Cloudy, but cleared off. Col. Swayne has been relieved of Provost Marshal's duty. I hear we are going to Holly Springs. Chimneys are being built. I feel tired of army life. I hired Henry today.
Oct 13 - Election Day in Ohio. For two days have been a little troubled with dyspepsia. Went with William to market before breakfast. Lieut. Calvin better. I voted today, the Union ticket. Col. Swayne came back to the regiment. Seems like former times. Only 51 votes for Vallandingham [sic] in the regiment.
Oct 14 - My new boy Henry cook pretty well. Went about looking for lumber to repair our church and enclose it for cold weather. Feel better of my indigestion. Read and wrote some. No letter from Ella yet this week. Feel better as to spiritual things.
cool our Rector was a part of history