Friday, November 18, 2011

22 - 30 Sept 1863

Sept 22 - We have hints of leaving fair days and lovely moon light nights.  A.m. went to auction sale of stock but could not get rid of my unsuitable horse.  The horse question troubles me much of late.  Put it away.  To Missouri hospital and was able to speak on divine things to three men.

Sept 23 - Warmer - still see indications of a projected movement of the regiment.  [John R.] Wilson of Company D quite sick at hospital.  Felt somewhat depressed and homesick in the p.m.  My school of six or eight contrabands three times a week and Sunday a.m. is quite interesting.  Evening rumors of a reverse to Gen Rosencrans.  Doubt it.

Sept 24 -Last night at 11 orders came to be ready to move.  Got up and packed up.  Nothing further today.  Hear a raid was anticipated on M & O Rail Road*.  Saw Col Swayne.  Recovering.  Rosencrans repulsed, not defeated.  Heavy loss on both sides.  Some Ohio officers killed.  P.m. to Missouri hospital.

Sept 25 - Cloudy and cool.  Have to cater for our mess now and instruct Jim some in cooking.  Gen John Geiger here and on request made a union speech to the assembled brigade.  Real good but stained by introduction of 3 oaths and a convivial allusion to whiskey - a pity.  Soldiers have too much such influence already.

Sept 26 - Fine day.  Mind unsettled but got it confined so as to study my sermon.  Lovely moonlight nights.  Over at 32nd hospital much thinned out.  Health is better.  Heard of auction of horses and got aroused on that question.  Hear our whole corps (16th) to leave here for Rosencrans.  Jim succeeded in pies.  Sent trunk to Elyria by Lieutenant Kilby.

Sept 27 - Sunday.  Feel much fatigued especially in mind.  The regiment has been occupied somewhat with preparations for a contemplated move.  Other regiments have moved in and bivouac near us.  Has benefited in prayer meeting.  Fond thoughts of our dear little boy.

Sept 28 - My cold in the head and anxiety about selling my horse gave me quite a dull head ache.  A.m. was at horse business but accomplished nothing.  P.m. pretty quite.  Eve felt better.  Our sick all [?] down town but we hear now we are not to go.  Fine letters from Ella and Oren.

Sept 29 - When having little else to interest me I am apt to over eat and think too much of eating.  My appetite is [?] controlled than formerly.  Cloudy and hazy and mild, oh how dusty.  Strange regiments from below are about us.  Took the drinking and swearing pledge through three companies.  Quite encouraged.  Tea with Capt. H[errick].

Sept 30 - It has rained almost incessantly from before daylight.  Much needed.  [2nd] Lieutenant [Henry J]McFadden [from D company] quite sick.  Went down town in the rain to have my horse sold but no auction hardly.  Conclude not to waste any more time on her now.  Presented quarterly report.  Read much in p.m. and evening.

* The Mobile and Ohio Rail Road was chartered Jan / Feb 1848 to go between Mobile, Alabama and Cairo, Illinois.  On September 13, 1940, it was merged with the Gulf, Mobile and Northern Railroad to form the Gulf, Mobile and Ohio Railroad.

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