Tuesday, November 15, 2011

8 - 15 July 1863

July 8 - In p.m. yesterday accompanied Henry [Richard's younger brother] into the country, a fine ride.  On our return saw fire works and great rejoicings.  Vicksburgh capitulates to Gen Grant July 4th with thousands of prisoners.

July 9 - I intimated that my wife had not economized enough about buying the baby carriage.  She learnt too that I intended to return and if well to remain in the regiment a year or more.  She was much grieved and shed tears.  Afterwards felt better.  Went to Wed eve lecture.

July 11 - Took a fine ride at eve.  Plumb Park wants me for superintendant of the D. & D. Asylum*.  I don't wish to be a candidate.  The baby is a delight to his grandma and aunts.

July 12 - Got chilled by an open window last night and felt miserably all day.  So chilly.  In eve we had our dear boy Lucius Howard Chittenden baptized by Rev. J E Grammar, Trinity Church.  Jos. R. Swan and Lottie C Sponsors.

July 13 - Felt better.  Got some quinine.  Great appetite but gain strength slowly.  Port Hudson taken by Gen Banks* this month.  Lee invades Penn., Battle of Gettysburgh, retreats to Virginia.

July 14 - Ride, read, talk, walk etc.  So the days pass pleasantly away.

July 15 - As usual my dear wife is not strong.  Has had sore mouth.  I attend the morning Union prayer meeting.

* The Ohio School for the Deaf [and Dumb], founded by Rev. James Hoge in 1826 in Columbus.  The building that Richard would have known was built in 1832 on East Town Street.  The School remained in that location, with additions and remodelling and rebuilding, until 1953.

* Union General Nathaniel P. Banks (1816-1894) was considered by many as an inferior general.  At the start of the war he was Governor of Massachusetts (1858-1861) and a personal friend of Abraham Lincoln.  He was known as "Old Jack's Commisary General" and "Commisary Banks" for he was twice defeated by Stonewall Jackson, at Winchester on 25 May 1862 and Cedar Mountain on 9 Aug 1862.  He later commanded the department of the Gulf, succeeding General Benjamin Butler.   He is pictured below

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